Kosuke Jodai
Kosuke Jodai
I started to create photo collage using photographs I took myself in the middle of 2010. All my works exhibited so far are completely original ones using only the photos I took myself. With a sense of unity and beautiful coloring my work looks as if it is a painting because it has no trace of composition and creates new space that clearly distinguishes my work from other usual collage work.
Now I’m active in holding a solo exhibition, participating in group exhibitions and overseas exhibitions.
桜 Exhibition 2014 出展作品
Tarqopus Iynbllie
Tarqopus Iynbllie

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It is expressly prohibited to use, copy and distribute them without permission.

株式会社アークフィリア The Artcomplex Center of Tokyo ARTs*LABo @CREATORZ AYANE International Inc. Gallery CORSO キューダップ株式会社 gr@phic CREATORS BANK .Too Tokyo Otaku Mode Inc. 東京リスマチック株式会社 FireAlpaca portalgraphics.net アートフォーラムOne’s プリンティングイン株式会社 Team LA JAPAN